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Water-based curing agent YL-W6700

【 Product Description 】YL-W6700 is a hydrophilic aliphatic polyisocyanate based on hexamethylene diisocyanate; It is used as hardener component in aqueous two-component polyurethane coating system.
[Product characteristics] Crosslinker suitable for water-based systems, such water-based systems need to have good bonding stability and chemical resistance; Although the hydrophilicity of the curing agent is relatively weak, it is easy to emulsify in the water phase, even in the case of shear force common in commercial use, and the coating prepared by using the product can form a high-light low-fog shadow paint film.
【 Application 】 Wood paint, industrial paint, floor, runway
【 Packaging Specifications 】20L or 60L small mouth white body iron drum, other packaging specifications can be agreed.

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Project Technical Standard
Appearance Water white or yellowish liquid
Isocyanate content /% 20.2±0.5
Solid Content /% 100
HDI monomer content % ≤0.2
Viscosity (cp. 25℃) 5500±1500

Instructions for use

The aqueous two-component polyurethane coating prepared by YL-W6700 can be diluted with water in advance or a small amount of highly hydrophilic co-soluble 2/2 agent is added to control viscosity and improve the permeability of the film. The product has high hardness, good physical properties and excellent chemical resistance. YL-W6700 can also be used as a crosslinking agent for water-based polyols and for most neutral water-based polymer dispersions such as polyurethanes, polyvinyl acetate resins, polyacrylates and synthetic rubber dispersions. After the addition of YL-W6700, the two-component coating to be used must be used during the activation period, which is affected by the polymer content and other components (such as resins, thickeners, plasticizers, etc.); In many dispersions, the end point of the activation period (usually a few hours) does not show up as gelation.

  • +86-15992413716
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